January 2009.Ryohei Otsuki united his band at Tokyo,Japan.Kaori participated in 2010.Yuki Kasugaya participated in 2016.
Ryohei liked music, but he liked movies more than that. But when it comes to making music, he puts music first, rather than film. For him, the two are very similar, but perhaps because it was easier to get started with than making a movie.
Kaori is more interested in the sound itself than the music, guitarist Yuki likes pure music, and Ryohei does not listen to music by artist, but only watches movies and listens to movie music. The music played by these three people is a crystal of what has always been created by confronting the alien nature of other members.
Kaori originally didn't play music, she paints. For that reason, She still paint during live performances, play sounds with various other objects, and make objects that do not sound. Some members of PALESS changed, but she remained. The music made by the two people was evaluated as interesting because it was a dish-like piece of work that didn't sit on a plate. In 2016, Yuki, a long-time friend, joined as a guitarist and was able to show a new side. We are now able to do PALESS on a plate. Of course, I also recommend not riding on a plate.
Released a songbook SUNAHAMA with 9 download codes(+1bonus track)as a compilation of activities from 2015 to 2019 on April 29,2020.
Recorded and Mixed by Ryo Hisatsune,Asagaya studio Zot in Tokyo.http://www.studiozot.jp
Mastered by Tim Debney,Fluid Mastering in London https://www.fluidmastering.com
Follow PALESS:
Facebook: https://ja-jp.facebook.com/palessjp/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paless1
Ryohei Otsuki(Vo,Key)
かほり(Vo,painting )
2009年 1月Ryohei Otsukiを中心にPALESS結成
2012年 6月頃よりOtsukiとかほりの2人体制に
2013年 1月25日 1stアルバム『MORSHE』発表
10月中国北京へツアー 2ndミニアルバム 『T e n k i』発表
2014年 6月Otsukiの住んでいたアパート取り壊し記念イベント敢行
11月 アメリカNYへツアー 3rdミニアルバム『HANAMARU』発表
2016年 春日谷勇己 加入
2020年 4月29日9曲入りダウンロードコード付きsongbook 4thアルバム『SUNAHAMA』を発表
2020年 12月19日『SUNAHAMA』レコ発イベントを原宿クロコダイルにて開催